The “All4wish: Participatory Design Of A Video Game To Measure The Impact Of Experiences Of Wishing Realization In Children With Cancer” project, supported by Make-A-Wish Portugal and led by CEGIST researcher Ana Vieira in collaboration with Rui Prada (IST-UL and GAIPS, INESC-ID) and Helena Águeda Marujo (ISCSP and CAPP – ULisboa) was awarded with an Honorable Mention at the 7th edition of the Rui Osório de Castro/Millennium bcp Prize.
The Rui Osório de Castro/Millennium bcp annual prize is worth €15,000 and has the support of the Millennium BCP Foundation since the beginning, aims at developing innovative projects and initiatives in the field of Pediatric Oncology. This year's winner was Isabel Antunes, from IPATIMUP and i3S, responsible for the project “Unveiling The Role Of Glycobiology In Pediatric Sarcoma: Opening Doors To New Therapeutic Strategies”. Another Honorable Mention was awarded to Rui Reis, from University of Minho, for the project “Role Of Cd24, An Immunological Checkpoint Protein, In The Biology And Therapy Of Meduloblastoma”.

The works were evaluated according to criteria such as innovation, relevance and expected impact, by a jury composed of five elements: Maria Karla Osório de Castro, Nuno Miranda, Nuno Farinha, Maria de Jesus Moura and Margarida Cruz. The award ceremony took place at the 9th Pediatric Oncology Seminar, organized by the Rui Osório de Castro Foundation, on the 11th of February, at the Pediatric Hospital of the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra.