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Seminar by Yannik Zeiträg: "A Web-Based Interactive Decision Support System to Solve Multi-Objective Production Scheduling Problems"

As part of CEGIST's seminar series, we are proud to announce that Yannik Zeiträg (CEGIST) presented the work "A Web-Based Interactive Decision Support System to Solve Multi-Objective Production Scheduling Problems".

This seminar took place on January 28 at 15:30, online via Zoom (link below)

Our seminars are free to attend and open to everyone. Please share with whomever may be interested.

Yannik Zeiträg
Yannik Zeiträg




CEG-IST - Centro de Estudos de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 77 29 (ext. 1729)
Fax: +351 21 841 79 79

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Financed by Portuguese funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the projects UIDB/00097/2020 and UIDP/00097/2020

Host Institution

IST Lisboa