The m-SSChain project address the research questions how to design, plan and operate Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) under an uncertain environment. Within this scope, the project aims to develop comprehensive and innovative general models for the design, planning and operation of resilient SSC under uncertainty. These models will be validated using real industrial cases.
A multidisciplinary approach has been followed where management science methods are explored. Optimization and modelling methodologies have been integrated with environment and social assessment methodologies. Such methodologies have been investigated in an integrated form through four main development tasks: design and planning of SSC; planning and operation of SSC; SSC under uncertainty; Case Studies.
With this project, it is emphasized the development of new concepts and theory, anticipating that the developed knowledge on SSC will serve as basis for future researchers to further advance finer-grained methodologies and models that will support the SSC decision process of increasingly large-scale real systems