4 | Quality Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Learn More Projects (5) IMPACT HTA - Improved methods and Actionable Tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment Advances in Vertical Differentiation: theory and applications LAIfeBlood - Artificial Intelligence for Blood Management COST Action WiSDom - Water Intelligence System Data Pagination Publications (2) The virtuous cycle of entrepreneurial identity and experience – a longitudinal analysis Ricardo Belchior, Hugo Castro-Silva 2023 Oil products distribution systems: Decomposition approach on pipeline and inventory scheduling 2009 Pagination Theses (8) Facility Location and Inventory Management in the Electric Energy Sector Improving warehouse operation flows - The Case Study of Worten Implantación de SMED en una línea de embotellado de bebidas espirituosas Aircraft Mantenaince Planning Design and planning of sustainable supply chains Tactical and Operational planning of the Downstream Oil Supply Chain under uncertainty The role of social-ecological systems and inherent ecosystem services attracting skilled in-migrants and inducing transitions in rural areas. The Role of Governance in Enhancing Strategic Environmental Assessment Pagination