6 | Clean Water and Sanitation Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Learn More Projects (11) Implementing Sustainable Low And Non-chemical Development in SIDS (ISLANDS) in Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tomé & Príncipe - Implementation Phase SMOCK- Spatial Modelling for mapping COVID-19 risk SCOPE-Spatial Data Sciences for COVID-19 Pandemic IMPACT HTA - Improved methods and Actionable Tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment Advances in Vertical Differentiation: theory and applications ERASMUS+ project Fall-In-Age: New innovative training content based on technological applications for Frailty & Falls Management LAIfeBlood - Artificial Intelligence for Blood Management DM4 MANUFACTURING PROJECT COST Action WiSDom - Water Intelligence System Data ANICARE - ERASMUS+ project Educate animal welfare as farming opportunity Pagination Publications (1) Oil products distribution systems: Decomposition approach on pipeline and inventory scheduling 2009 Pagination Theses (16) Facility Location and Inventory Management in the Electric Energy Sector Technology Acceptance in Education: The teacher-related barriers to the acceptance of the interactive whiteboards in Portuguese public schools Facility Location and Inventory Management in the Electric Energy Sector. Improving warehouse operation flows - The Case Study of Worten Combining multicriteria value measurement with mathematical programming for modeling complex decisions: Applications in strategic forest management planning Combining multicriteria value measurement with mathematical programming for modeling complex decisions: Applications in strategic forest management planning Combining multicriteria value measurement with mathematical programming for modeling complex decisions: Applications in strategic forest management planning Aircraft Mantenaince Planning Design and planning of sustainable supply chains Tactical and Operational planning of the Downstream Oil Supply Chain under uncertainty A multi-objective assignment model for support emergency response in disaster preparedness The role of social-ecological systems and inherent ecosystem services attracting skilled in-migrants and inducing transitions in rural areas. A socio-technical multicriteria approach for the construction of indices in the presence of value interactions among indicators: application to population health in Portugal A socio-technical multicriteria approach for the construction of indices in the presence of value interactions among indicators: application to population health in Portugal A socio-technical multicriteria approach for the construction of indices in the presence of value interactions among indicators: application to population health in Portugal Pagination Page 1 Next page ››