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Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos

Associate Professor

Instituto Superior Técnico


Tânia Ramos is an Associate Professor at the Engineering and Management Department at IST – University of Lisbon, and Vice-President of CEGIST. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Management from ISCTE-IUL, her Master’s degree in Operations Research and Systems Engineering from IST and her PhD in Engineering and Management from IST. Tânia’s research focuses mainly on modelling and solving real-world problems related with logistics systems planning, routing, sustainability, reverse logistics and waste management systems. She has several papers published in international journals. She is also the co-author of books in the field of logistics. She has coordinated several national projects on the fields of logistics and waste management.


International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics | 2023

Carolina de Morais

Diana Jorge

Ana Barbosa-Póvoa

António Antunes

Waste Management and Research | 2023

Yoeri Brouwer

Ana Barbosa-Póvoa

António Antunes

Research Groups


WSmart Route - Waste Collection Based on a Real Time Route Planning System

The WSmart Route project explores a new paradigm based on smart waste management, where real-time information plays a central role in changing the way operations are managed today. Recent advances in ICT make it possible to access information in real time through the use of sensors located inside the containers. However, access to the information collected by these sensors is not sufficient to increase efficiency in the waste collection operation by itself, making it essential to optimize the collection routes according to that information.

Mobile-Pro-U: Mobile Processing Unit to Recover Packaging Glass

The present project refers to the development of an integrated system to process waste streams targeting the maximum glass cullet recovery centred in Mobile Processing Units (MPU). The solution proposed in the project relies in the project of an innovative Mobile Processing Unit (MPU), incorporating a whole flowsheet able to process streams containing packaging glass, such as the heavy reject of MBT plants and the bottom ash of the incinerators fed with undifferentiated urban waste, that produces a glass product with added value.


CEG-IST - Centro de Estudos de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 77 29 (ext. 1729)
Fax: +351 21 841 79 79

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Financed by Portuguese funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the projects UIDB/00097/2020 and UIDP/00097/2020

Host Institution

IST Lisboa