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Joana Fernandes Matos Dias

PhD Student

Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico


Environmental engineer and PhD researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (UL) in Portugal. Research being developed within the Strategic approaches to ENvironment and SUstainability research group (SENSU) at the Research Centre for Management Studies (CEG-IST) at IST. Currently developing the PhD thesis, within the TRUST (social innovation sTRategies for sUSTainability transitions) project, on the potential of social innovation (SI) to create transformative capacity in communities.

Research Groups


TRUST - Estratégicas de Inovação Social em Transições para a Sustentabilidade

TRUST (social innovation sTRategies for sUSTainability transitions) is a FCT research project that focus on sustainability transition initiatives supported by social learning and innovation as important factors that drive transformative change in social-ecological systems for community development.
The goal is to contribute to create locally based sustainability transitions initiatives, boosting transformative processes, through social innovation strategies, that can enable changes in approaches, routines, practices, systems and mind-sets.


CEG-IST - Centro de Estudos de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 77 29 (ext. 1729)
Fax: +351 21 841 79 79

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Financed by Portuguese funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the projects UIDB/00097/2020 and UIDP/00097/2020

Host Institution

IST Lisboa